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Read book Tony Russell - The Cotswolds' Finest Gardens DOC, PDF


- Fully updated paperback edition- A full-color guide to the 50 best gardens of the Cotswolds- Each entry has a full description and a selection of magnificent color photographs- Gardens featured include Blenheim Palace, Highgrove, Painswick Rococo Garden, Snowshill, Sudeley Castle and WestonbirtTV presenter and writer Tony Russell presents his personal guide to the fifty finest gardens in the Cotswolds.The gardens are all open to the general public and are here given evocative and practical descriptions taking in each one's history and the huge array of plants, flowers and trees available to view regardless of the season. He accompanies each entry with magnificent color pictures showing off each garden in all its glory.This stunning book - which is written by the man who also compiles the annual publication Gardens to Visit - will be a must for anyone interested in the glorious Cotswolds, wherever they live., A full color profile of 50 of the Cotswolds finest gardens. TV presenter and writer Tony Russell presents his personal guide to the 50 finest Gardens in the Cotwolds. The gardens are all open to the general public and are here given evocative and practical descriptions taking in each ones history and the huge array of plants, flowers and trees available to view regardless of the season. He accompanies each entry with magnificent color pictures showing off each garden in all its glory. This stunning book - which is written by the man that also compiles the annual publication Gardens to Visit - will be a must for anyone interested in the glorious Cotswolds, wherever they live., Fully updated paperback edition A full-color guide to the fifty best gardens of the Cotswolds Each entry has a full description and a selection of magnificent color photographs Gardens featured include Blenheim Palace, Highgrove, Painswick Rococo Garden, Snowshill, Sudeley Castle and WestonbirtTV presenter and writer Tony Russell presents his personal guide to the fifty finest gardens in the Cotswolds.The gardens are all open to the general public and are here given evocative and practical descriptions taking in each one s history and the huge array of plants, flowers and trees available to view regardless of the season. He accompanies each entry with magnificent color pictures showing off each garden in all its glory.This stunning book which is written by the man who also compiles the annual publication Gardens to Visit will be a must for anyone interested in the glorious Cotswolds, wherever they live."

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